Tips for Seasonal Beginner Offers – Tennis Marketing

tennis class

In most tennis clubs the student base shifts with seasons. People come and go – whether it is due to work schedule changes, school conflicts or going out of town for vacation. Few weeks prior to the start of a new season is a great time to introduce some new class offers and get those student excited to come back on the tennis court. New season is also a great time to welcome some new faces into…

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Should Tennis Clubs Outsource Their Marketing?

swamped work

If you are a tennis club manager, one of your goals is to have your marketing team bring plenty of qualified leads to your sales team. Many companies choose to keep marketing internal and assign those highly specialized marketing tasks to employees. This approach can provide some advantages: You are able to closely monitor all the work. Your employees would likely have more knowledge about your club’s day-to-day business. Sometimes, however, you might notice that internalizing all of your marketing…

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