What is Content Marketing (and Why You Should be Doing it)?

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We have already arrived at the conclusion that traditional marketing (such as cold calls, print ads and direct mail) has become less and less effective over the years. That is because customers do not shop the same way as 10 years ago, and therefore, marketing has evolved towards more inbound approach. So what is content marketing and should it be on your radar? “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant…

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Understanding the Importance of Web Analytics for Your Website

Resourcely Marketing importance of analytics

Have you ever wondered how many people actually read that blog you spent hours and hours writing? Do you want to know how people get to your website, how long do they spend on each page, or why they left your blog? Web analytics is how you do it! The performance of a website must be measured no matter the industry or market. Understanding what your audience is looking for and then designing your content…

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